Our Beliefs

What we believe shapes the way we see God and humanity.  

Things about God and Us

God is a good Father whose intention has always been to have a people, a family, that will live in intimate fellowship with Him and represent Him. In Jesus we see the very essence of the Father.

God the Father was in Jesus reconciling the world to Himself. He rescued us from the dominion of darkness bringing us into the Kingdom of His Son.

At the Cross  a new covenant of forgiveness was established, with the borders widened to bring in people from all nations and races.The body of sin was done away with and our character and nature redefined.  

Through His death, bodily resurrection and Ascension Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, taking back the authority we had lost at the Fall, giving this authority back to mankind.

The church is made up of the body of believers who have faith in Jesus Christ.

In pouring out His Spirit we have been given the power to be His witnesses. We have a mandate and vocation to heal the sick, to restore the earth, to be ministers of reconciliation, reconciling forgiven orphans to the Father.

We are not waiting for His Kingdom to be established. The kingdom of God is here now. We get to partner with Jesus to extend His Kingdom so that it fills the whole earth, knowing that Jesus is coming back for a victorious church.

Our Core Values


We cherish His presence and we listen for and act on the Father's specific mission.


We will love as Christ loves us. Love believes the best. Love always protects, Love always trusts.


Our identity is found in our restored, intimate relationship with our Father. As sons/daughters we will lay down our lives as Jesus did.


We are not waiting for anything else to happen that will finish what Jesus accomplished on the cross. His Kingdom is here and our mission is to expand His Kingdom.


We pursue and celebrate supernatural expressions and experiences that release the goodness of God.


We are being transformed to be more like Jesus, through the daily renewing of our minds.


We are building a community of people who reflect the nature and character of God.


We are a tribe of people who are learning to walk in and manage lives of freedom and empowerment.


We are committed to raising sons and daughters to be mature competent adult fathers and mothers who are reproducing themselves.